The Benefits of Dental Implantsin West Sayville, NY

Dental Implants Offer a Natural-Looking Tooth Replacement

Did you know that choosing dental implants as your tooth replacement option can lead to various benefits? From a natural appearance to a lifetime replacement, the benefits of dental implants are numerous.

At our West Sayville dental office, Dr. Sigismondi offers custom dental implants for patients with missing teeth. To learn more about our restorative dentistry treatment options, contact our dentist today at 631-563-1583.

patient looking at her new smile in the mirror at the dentist

Top Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental Implants Look, Feel, and Act Like Natural Teeth

Known as the best dental restorative option, dental implants look, feel, and act like natural teeth. They mimic the natural tooth from root to crown and are custom-made to match the shape, size, and color of the surrounding teeth, making them indistinguishable from your natural, neighboring teeth. This means that people won’t be able to tell that you have implants, and you can feel confident when you smile.

Prevents Bone Loss

One of the most significant benefits of dental implants is that they prevent bone loss. When someone experiences tooth loss, the jawbone in that area deteriorates, leading to other problems. During a dental implant procedure, the implant is surgically placed in the jawbone and fuses with the bone over time, providing a strong and stable foundation for the replacement tooth. Successful implant placement preserves the integrity of the jawbone and prevents further bone loss.

Better Self-Esteem

A dental implant can significantly improve self-esteem and confidence by replacing a missing tooth and restoring a patient’s natural appearance. Missing teeth can cause embarrassment and self-consciousness, leading to a decrease in self-esteem. Dental implants provide a permanent solution to missing teeth that look and function like natural teeth, helping create an improved appearance and a better quality of life.

Low Maintenance

Dental implants are easy to maintain. They don’t require special care, like conventional dentures, and can be brushed and flossed just like natural teeth. Make sure to maintain good oral hygiene to keep the implant and the surrounding teeth healthy, but there’s no need for any additional care or maintenance. With implant success rates at around 95%, you’ll have a long-lasting tooth replacement as long as you care for them properly.

Our Long Island dentist created a helpful guide on how to maintain your dental implants and achieve good oral health, so you can enjoy their benefits for years to come. 

Restores Bite Force

Dental implants restore your bite force, allowing you to eat the foods you love without discomfort or difficulty. Dentures and dental bridges can affect your ability to bite and chew certain foods, but dental implants are anchored securely in the jawbone and provide a stable base for the artificial tooth, allowing you to enjoy a wide variety of foods without restrictions.

dental implants

Improves Overall Oral Health

Dental implants improve oral health. When a patient suffers from missing or damaged teeth, it can lead to problems with adjacent teeth, including shifting, bite problems, and jawbone deterioration. Dental implants prevent these problems by filling the gap left by the missing tooth and preserving the integrity of adjacent teeth and the jawbone.

Can Last a Lifetime

Dental implants are a long-term dental restoration option. They’re designed to last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. While the implant is made of biocompatible materials designed to fuse with the jawbone, the replacement tooth that’s attached to the jawbone below the implant may need to be replaced or restored over time, but the implant post itself can last a lifetime.

Improved Speech and Eating Abilities

Dental implants can improve speech and eating abilities. Dentures can slip and move in the mouth, causing difficulty with speech and eating. Dental implants, however, are anchored securely in the jawbone, providing a stable base for the replacement tooth, which can improve speech and eating abilities.

Long-Term Durability

Dental implants are also highly durable. They’re made of biocompatible materials designed to fuse with the jawbone, providing a strong and stable foundation for the replacement tooth. They’re also resistant to tooth decay and gum disease, making them an excellent option for people looking for a long-term solution for healthy teeth.

No Slipping As They’re Non-Removable

Dental implants are non-removable, meaning they won’t slip or move in the mouth. They’re anchored securely in the jawbone, providing a stable base for the replacement tooth. This eliminates the discomfort and embarrassment of the false teeth of traditional dentures, which can slip and move in the mouth.

woman smiling at the dentist

Frequently Asked Questions
