Dental Implant Candidacyin West Sayville, NY

Dental Implant Candidates in Long Island

Dental implants are one of the most popular tooth replacements, but not everyone qualifies for treatment. Ideal candidates for a dental implant are in optimal oral health with no indications of tooth decay or gum disease. 

To learn more about your candidacy for dental implants, contact our Long Island dentist today by scheduling an appointment at 631-563-1583.

older woman at the dentist

Determining Your Candidacy for Dental Implants

When you schedule a dental implant consultation with our West Sayville dentist, Dr. Sigismondi, he’ll evaluate several factors to determine if you qualify for dental implants. These factors will include:

  1. Sufficient Bone Density: The implant procedure requires a certain amount of bone density to provide a stable foundation. Our dentist may use X-rays or a CBCT scan to evaluate the amount of bone in your jaw.
  2. Healthy Gums: Healthy gums are important for the success of dental implant procedures. Dr. Sigismondi will evaluate your gum tissue for signs of periodontal disease or other issues.
  3. Good Health: Your overall health can impact your ability to receive dental implants. Conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, or certain medications may affect your ability to undergo a dental implant procedure.
  4. Oral Hygiene Condition: Good oral hygiene is essential when it comes to dental restorations. Our dentist may ask about your brushing and flossing habits and provide recommendations for possible improvement.
  5. Age: Age can sometimes affect whether you’re a candidate for dental implants. Children and young adults may not have fully developed jawbones, which can alter the success of implants.
  6. Budget: Dental implants can be a bit more expensive than other options, such as dentures, and insurance coverage may vary. Patients should discuss the financial aspects of the procedure with our implant dentist.
  7. Medications: Patients on certain medications, especially bisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosis, may have a higher risk of complications. Our dentist will review the patient’s medication history.
  8. Realistic Expectations: Patients need to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the dental implant procedure. Dental implants can provide excellent results, but they may not be suitable for every individual or situation.
  9. Commitment to Aftercare: Patients should understand that dental implants require a recovery period and proper oral health care afterward. This includes following post-operative instructions, attending follow-up appointments, and maintaining oral hygiene.
  10. Smoking and Alcohol Use: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact the success of dental implants. Patients who smoke may be asked to quit or significantly reduce smoking before and after the procedure.
oral hygiene products

Supplemental Procedures

While dental implants are a highly effective restorative procedure for missing teeth, some people may need to undergo supplemental procedures before starting their treatment to achieve the best outcome. 

These procedures include:

  • Bone Grafting: If you don’t have sufficient bone density, a bone graft procedure may be necessary to build up the jawbone before the implant can be placed.
  • Sinus Lift: If you’re missing upper back teeth, a sinus lift may be necessary to raise the sinus floor and make room for the implant.
  • Ridge Augmentation: If the area where the implant is needed is too narrow or has a shallow ridge, ridge augmentation may be necessary to build up the area and provide a stable foundation for the implant.

If you’re ready to be evaluated for dental implants and combat tooth loss, contact our Sayville dentist today at 631-563-1583.

Other Tooth Replacement Options

If you’re not a candidate for dental implants, there are various other options for replacing missing teeth. Restorations such as traditional dentures or dental bridges may be better suited for your needs. Contact our dentist today to discuss your options.

dental consultation with a patient

Frequently Asked Questions
